16 February 2015

There is no one giant step that does it. 
It's a lot of little steps.

                              Peter A. Cohen

12 February 2015

Work like you do not need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt. 
Dance like nobody is watching. 

                                       Mark Twain

11 February 2015

Some of us have great runways already built for us.
 If you have one, take off.
But if you do not have one, realize it,
 is your responsability to shovel a grave and 
build one for yourself and 
for Those Who will follow after you. 

                                              Amelia Earhart

6 February 2015

Shoot for the moon. 
Even if you miss, you want country among the stars.

                                           Les Brown

3 February 2015

Remove failure as an option.

      Joan Lunden

30 January 2015

4th step - The follow up and the fortune
You probably have heard people say, “The fortune is in the follow up.” I learned that when you are following up with people, you want to do what you say you are going to do. The only reason to have an exposure is to set up the next exposure; once I expose someone to the industry, I follow up with them.
About 80 percent of people will join the industry between the fourth and sixth exposure. I will show people what we’re doing to make sure they have a good understanding. I like to educate them and make sure they understand what we’re doing.
5th step  - Helping close the deal
This is demonstrating how to ask someone for their credit card information or money to get started. It is critical to close the deal if you are going to continue forward.
6th step - Getting prospects on the right path
You always want to make sure you get people started correctly. I have learned to have a game plan with people. Find out why they are in the business and stay focused on their “why.” There will be some ups and some downs, but if people are convinced that their “why” is big enough, their “how” doesn’t matter.
7th step - Promoting events
Don’t just announce events: promote events.
M-M-M – meetings make money. There’s a lot of technology available, but events and promoting those events are what drive the business.
Often an event provides social proof. As human beings, we are wired to seek proof from sources outside our own thoughts and experience. At events you can see other people who have made the same decision you have, providing affirmation and good feelings.
When I learned these seven skills, at first I didn’t realize they were skills I must learn to become a network marketing professional.
                                                             Eric Worre                  

26 January 2015

You will never find time for anything. 
You must make it. 

                                             Charles Buxton

Seven Steps to Success in the MLM Industry

1st step - Finding prospects
Many people in our business believe that if they know a lot of people, they can have a lot of success.
Many also believe that if they don’t know many people, they don’t have a chance. While that may sound logical it’s not.
When I started in this industry, I started as what we call a “poser.” Posers start out making a mental list of four, five or six people and they base their whole career on those folks.
One step up is what I call the amateur – someone who makes a list of about 100 people and starts systematically going through the list.
About five years ago, I became a professional. At that point I made a list of about 300 people and I added two people to my list every day. As a professional I understand I’m never going to run out of people because there are about 7 billion people on the planet.
2nd step - Invite prospects to your product or opportunity
This is the gateway skill to our network marketing industry. If you aren’t successful in getting anyone to take a look, your future may be very dim in the industry. One of the important things about the invitation I use is very simple: compliment the prospect.
3rd step -  Presenting your products
You always want to use third-party tools such as Powerpoint when doing your presentations. The worst way to explain your business in a tight setting is winging it. I use tools all the time to do my presenting. When I’m at a big event I will make an exception, but I usually have tools to use.
it continues

23 January 2015

Obstacles are those frightful things you can see 
when you take your eyes off your goal.

                                                           Henry Ford

21 January 2015

Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind,
 but great actions speak to all mankind.

                                                              Emily P. Bissell

19 January 2015

I just love when people say 
I can’t do something because all my life people said,
 I wasn’t going to make it.

                                                                     Ted Turner

16 January 2015

Success is never ending, 
failure is never final.

      Dr. Robert Schuller

13 January 2015

Success often comes to those who dare to act. 
It seldom goes to the timid who are ever afraid of the consequences.

                                                      Jawaharlal Nehru